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2006年世界杯主题曲samplingid126_2006年世界杯主题曲歌名       现在,请允许我来为大家解答一些关于2006年世界杯主题曲samplingid126




3.2006年世界杯主题曲叫什么名字 很好听哦!




       Time of Our Lives-06年德国世界杯主题歌


       06世界杯主题曲是《Time of Our Lives》


       there was a dream

       long time ago

       there was a dream

       destined to grow

       hacerse pasion (to become passion)

       con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)

       el deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)

       el deseo de ganar (the will to win)

       for a lifetime of progress

       that runs here today

       we'll go all the way

       hey they feel like having the time of our lives

       let's light the fire find the plain

       let's go together as one inside

       'cause it feels like we’re having the time of our lives

       we'll find the glory and the pain

       all that we are, for all that we are

       for time of our lives

       hoy es el dia (today is the day)

       es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)

       para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)

       una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (a life of fight brought us here)

       y llegare hasta el final (and i'll keep on till the end)

       heaven knows

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (together, united, the will to be the best will win)

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (till the glory, along with you )

       llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)

       el momento llego (the moment arrived)

       y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...

       (and now i will never ever forget it...)

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (together, united, the will to be the best will win)

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (till the glory, along with you )

       el momento llego (the moment arrived)

       el momento llego (the moment arrived)

       we'll find the glory we'll be there

       for all that we are

       for one thing that we wanna be and all that we are

       for the time of our lives

       for the time of our lives


       Toni Braxtontoni braxton Toni Braxton是90年代最受欢迎的R&B女歌手之一,她同时也是成功的商业歌手。她能够迎合各大阵营的口味:对R&B听众来说她的声音够骚灵,在现代成人乐上够柔和;对成年人来说够老练,对年轻一代则够撩人;能够抚慰女性受伤的心灵,同时也让男人消魂。依靠着这些特质,Toni接二连三地获得千万销量的肯定,当然随之而来的是一连串排行佳作,Un-break My Heart(别让我伤心)便是其中之一,被评为摇滚时代逗留时间最长的流行冠军单曲。

       Toni1968年10月7日生于美国马里兰州,父亲是个严苛的牧师,不但被禁止接触流行文化,就算是牛仔裤也不允许穿。她母亲是一个受过专业训练的歌手,时常鼓励她和几个姐妹在教堂演唱(福音歌曲是Braxton家族唯一允许演唱的音乐)。这几个姐妹们经常在父母外出时偷偷收看灵魂列车电视。渐渐地,她们的父母转变了态度,放宽了严厉的家教,允许Toni发展自己的音乐风格。由于她嗓音低沉,她经常演唱像Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, Michael McDonald以及Chaka Khan的歌曲。她在当地和姐妹们的表演小有成就,并在高中后准备从事音乐教师的工作。然而当她在加油站唱歌消遣的时候被Bill Pettaway(歌曲作者)发现,并在他的帮助下她和她的姐妹们作为演唱组合在1990年同Arista唱片公司签约,她随即辍学从事歌唱事业。

       Braxton家族组合于1990年发行了第一支单曲Good Life,并未成功,却吸引了王牌制作人L.A. Reid和Babyface的注意,他们刚成立一个拥有超级歌曲创作/制作阵容的厂牌LaFace(Arista 旗下),Toni Braxton于次年成为LaFace第一个签下的女歌手,在接下来的一年,她为Eddie Murphy主演的一部影片Boomerang演唱了歌曲而让公众认识了自己,不但该**原声带中她自己演唱的Love Shoulda Brought You Home获得了流行和节奏蓝调排行榜的好成绩,并且她和Babyface合唱了Give U My Heart一曲。于是1993年她的第一张录音室专辑的出炉便是众望所归,一发行便在POP和R&B榜上取得了第一的位置。专辑中的排行佳作一个接着一个,包括三首TOP10单曲Another Sad Love Song,Breathe Again,You Mean the World to Me以及双料佳作I Belong to You/How Many Ways。单凭这张专辑,Toni带来的流行风潮一直持续到1995年,94年她赢得了Grammy最佳新人奖和最佳R&B女歌手奖(Another Sad Love Song,并在95年再次赢得最佳R&B女歌手奖(Breathe Again)。

       在下一张专辑发行之前,Toni在Whitney1995年发行的Waiting to Exhale**原声中凭Let It Flow一曲让歌迷过了把瘾。她再次同L.A. Reid和Babyface紧密合作,于次年夏天发行了第二张专辑Secrets,同预期的一样,又成为了一大热碟。第一支单曲You're Makin' Me High极大地展现了她的性感,并成为她当时为止最成功的流行榜作品,然而这支单曲的风光马上被接下来由Diane Warren谱写的伤心情歌Un-break My Heart彻底盖过。Un-break My Heart在流行榜冠军位置持续逗留了11个礼拜(在现代成人榜上的时间比这更长)。之后的单曲I Don't Want To和How Could an Angel Break My Heart虽未获得如此成功,但Secrets专辑照样取得了800万的销量。Toni随即在97年的Grammy上赢得了最佳流行女歌手(Un-break My Heart)和最佳R&B女歌手奖(You're Makin' Me High)。

       在1997年年末,Toni和LaFace因帐务问题发生纠纷,而LaFace胜诉,Toni宣告破产,这让所有的歌迷都非常震惊(对拥有如此高销量的歌手来说似乎不太可能)。她在98年花了大多数时间处理善后以及出演Disney音乐剧《美女与野兽》中的Belle。她和LaFace最终于1999年初达成和解,很快便开始了第三张专辑的制作。2000年春天Heat专辑宣告发行,她的全新形象大胆至极,叫人血脉沸腾。专辑仍由她还有 L.A.和 Babyface 共同精心炮制, 内中洋溢着使人心跳的节拍和令人神魂颠倒的原声吉他弹奏。专辑以第二的名次打入排行榜,打平Secrets专辑的纪录。首支单曲He Wasn't Man Enough顺利打入TOP10(在R&B榜是冠军),尽管之后和Dr. Dre合作的Just Be a Man About It以及Spanish Guitar并未获得预期的成功,未能给专辑增加气势。相比以前的专辑,Heat200万的销量不免有点让人失望,然而又一座Grammy最佳R&B女歌手奖(He Wasn't Man Enough)足以让所有人欣慰。

       2005年,曾经的R&B天后级人物Mariah Carey风风光光的归来吸引了全球人民的目光。看着老对手风风光光的复出,另外一位曾经辉煌万千的R&B天后Toni Braxton也坐不住了。于是,2005年9月27日,带着全新专辑"Libra",Toni重新回到了世人面前。由于上一张正式录音大碟"More Than A Woman"的成绩惨淡,因此在这张专辑里Toni减少了与The Neptunes的合作,歌曲的风格也由上张专辑偏Hip-Hop回到了本源的R&B,并且启用了多名从来没有合作过的知名新晋制作人合作。其中包括为她制作首支单曲"Please"的Scott Storch,还有在"Take This Ring"中与Toni合作的Rich Harrison。当然,还有老搭档,Dallas Austin在"Trippin' "和"What's Good"里面露脸,而Cory Rooney也出现在了"Stupid"的制作栏中.整张专辑的节奏相当紧凑,而且没有任何鸡肋或者是败笔。由于在专辑中的上佳表现,Amazon的音乐评论员对这张专辑给出了平均分4.5分(满分5分),不过以音乐性评论著称的amg却只给出了3分,说明这张专辑口味虽然很大众,但是音乐性还是不够。但是,专辑首周#4的成绩也足以让大家满足了。因为大家都知道,现在的年轻人口味,实在是太挑剔了。


       1.You Mean The World To Me 2.Breathe Again 3.How Many Ways (R. Kelly Remix) 4.Just Be A Man About It5.He Wasn ’t Man Enough (Album Version) 6.You ’re Makin ’ Me High 7.Good Life 8.The Little Things 9.Let It Flow10.Tell Me 11.Come On Over Here 12.Hit The Freeway (Album Version) Featuring Loon 13.Un-Break My Heart14.He Wasn ’t Man Enough 15.The Time Of Our Lives 16.Give It Back Featuring The Big Tymers 17.Me & My Boyfriend18.I ’m Still Breathing .19.Spanish Guitar (Royal Garden Flamenco Mix) .20.Why Should I Care .21.I Love Me Some Him .22.There ’s No Me Without You .23.Gimme Some .24.The Heat .25.Give U My Heart (Album Radio Edit) .26.I Don ’t Want To (Album Version) .27.Seven Whole Days .28.Another Sad Love Song (Album Version) .29.Un-Break My Heart (Album Version) .30.How Could An Angel Break My Heart31.I Belong To You .32.Love Shoulda Brought You Home .33.You Mean The World To Me .34.Breathe Again .35.How Many Ways (R. Kelly Remix) .36.Just Be A Man About It .37.He Wasn ’t Man Enough (Album Version) .38.You ’re Makin ’ Me High .39.Let It Flow .40.Tell Me .41.Come On Over Here .42.Hit The Freeway (Album Version) Featuring Loon .43.Un-Break My Heart .44.He Wasn ’t Man Enough .45.The Time Of Our Lives .46.Give It Back Featuring The Big Tymers .47.Me & My Boyfriend .48.I ’m Still Breathing .49.Spanish Guitar (Royal Garden Flamenco Mix) .50.Why Should I Care .51.I Love Me Some Him .52.There ’s No Me Without You .53.Gimme Some .54.The Heat .55.Give U My Heart (Album Radio Edit) .56.I Don ’t Want To (Album Version) .57.Seven Whole Days .58.Another Sad Love Song (Album Version) .59.Un-Break My Heart (Album Version) .60.How Could An Angel Break My Heart61.I Belong To You .62.Love Shoulda Brought You Home .63.Shadowless .64.Finally .65.Stupid .66.Sposed To Be .67.I Wanna Be (Your Baby) .68.Midnite .69.Take This Ring .70.Whats Good .71.Trippin (Thats The Way Love Works) .72.Please .73.In the Late of Night-Toni's Secrets .74.I Love Me Some Him .75.I Don't Want To .76.Why Should I Care .77.Let It Flow .78.Find Me a Man .79.How Could an Angel Break My Heart .80.Talking in His Sleep .81.Un-Break My Heart .82.There's No Me Without You .83.You're Makin' Me High .84.Come on over Here .85.Unbreak My Heart (Soulhex Anthem Radio Edit) .86.Little Things The (Previously Unreleased) .87.Whatchu You Need (Peviously Unreleased) .88.Hit The Freeway (Featuring Loon) .89.Just Be A Man About It .90.He Wasnt Man Enough .91.I Dont Want To .92.I Love Me Some Him .93.Unbreak My Heart .94.Let It Flow .95.Youre Making Me High .96.How Many Ways .97.You Mean The World To Me .98.Seven Whole Days (Live) .99.Breathe Again .100.Another Sad Love Song .101.Love Shoulda Brought You Home .102.Give You My Heart (Feat Babyface) .103.You Mean The World To Me .104.Spending My Time With You .105.Seven Whole Days .106.Love Shoulda Brought You Home .107.Love Affair .108.I Belong To You .109.How Many Ways .110.Give U My Heart (Mad Ball Mix) .111.Candlelight .112.Breathe Again (Reprise) .113.Breathe Again .114.Best Friend .115.Another Sad Love Song .116.Never Just For A Ring .117.You′ve Been Wrong .118.Maybe .119.Speaking In Tongues .120.The Art Of Love .121.Fairy Tale .122.I′m Still Breathing .123.Gimme Some .124.Just Be A Man About It .125.Spanish Guitar .126.The Heat .127.He Wasn′t Man Enough .128.Bonus Track2 .129.Bonus Track1 .130.The Christmas Song .131.This Time Next Year .132.Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas .133.Pretty Please .134.Santa Please .135.Christmas Time Is Here .136.Snowflakes Of Love .137.Christmas In Jamaica feat. Shaggy .138.Holiday Celebrate .139.Always .140.And I Love You .141.Me and My Boyfriend .142.Me and My Boyfriend .143.Do You Remember When .144.Selfis .145.Rock Me, Roll Me .146.Lies, Lies, Lies .147.Hit The Freeway .148.A Better Man .149.Give it Back Ft the Big Tymers .150.Let Me Show You the Way (Out) (歌词 |151.Unbreak My Heart - (Soul-Hex Anthem radio edit) .152.Little Things, The - (Previously Unreleased) .153.Whatchu You Need - (Previously Unreleased) .154.Hit The Freeway - (featuring Loon) .155.Just Be A Man About It .156.He Wasn't Man Enough .157.I Don't Want To .158.I Love Me Some Him .159.Unbreak My Heart .160.Let It Flow .161.You're Making Me High .162.How Many Ways .163.You Mean The World To Me .164.Seven Whole Days - (live) .165.Breathe Again .166.Another Sad Love Song .167.Love Shoulda Brought You Home .168.Give You My Heart - (featuring Babyface) .169.shadowless .170.finally .171.stupid .172.sposed to be .173.i wanna be .174.midnite .175.take this ring .176.whats good .177.trippin .178.please .


2006年世界杯主题曲叫什么名字 很好听哦!

       2006年的世界杯主题曲有三首:《Hips Don't Lie》《Celebrate the day》《我们生命中的时光》

       歌曲名:《Hips Don't Lie》




       Ladies up in here tonight

       No fightin', no fightin'

       We got the refugees up in here

       I never really knew that she could dance like this

       She makes a man want to speak Spanish

       Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh baby when you talk like that

       You make a woman go mad

       So be wise and keep on

       Reading the signs of my body

       I'm on tonight

       You know my hips don't lie

       And I'm starting to feel it's right

       All the attraction, the tension

       Don't you see baby, this is perfection

       Hey Girl, I can see your body movin'

       And it's driving me crazy

       And I didn't have the slightest idea

       Until I saw you dancin'

       And when you walk up on the dance floor

       Nobody cannot ignore the way you move your body, girl

       And everything so unexpected - the way you right and left it

       So you can keep on shaking it

       I never really knew that she could dance like this

       She makes a man want to speak Spanish

       Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh baby when you talk like that

       You make a woman go mad

       So be wise and keep on

       Reading the signs of my body

       And I'm on tonight

       You know my hips don't lie

       And I am starting to feel you boy

       Come on lets go, real slow

       Don't you see baby asi es perfecto

       Oh I won't deny my hips don't lie

       And I am starting to feel it's right

       All the attraction, the tension

       Don't you see baby, this is perfection

       Shakira, Shakira

        boy, I can see your body moving

       Half animal, half man

       I don't, don't really know what I'm doing

       But you seem to have a plan

       My will and self restraint

       Have come to fail now, fail now

       See, I am doing what I can, but I can't so you know

       That's a bit too hard to explain

       Baila en la calle de noche

       Baila en la calle del dia

       Baila en la calle de noche

       Baila en la calle del dia

       I never really knew that she could dance like this

       She makes a man want to speak Spanish

       Como se llama, bonita, mi casa, su casa

       Shakira, Shakira

       Oh baby when you talk like that

       You know you got me hypnotized

       So be wise and keep on

       Reading the signs of my body

       Senorita, feel the conga, let me see you move like you come from Colombia

       Mira en Barranquilla se baila asi, say it!

       Mira en Barranquilla se baila asi


       She's so sexy every man's fantasy a refugee like me back with the Fugees from a 3rd world country

       I go back like when 'pac carried crates for Humpty Humpty

       I need a whole club dizzy

       Why the CIA wanna watch us? [Shakira/Wyclef Jean]

       Colombians and Haitians

       I ain't guilty, it's a musical transaction

       No more do we snatch ropes

       Refugees run the seas 'cause we own our own boats

       I'm on tonight, my hips don't lie

       And I'm starting to feel you boy

       Come on let's go, real slow

       Baby, like this is perfecto

       Oh, you know I won't deny and my hips don't lie

       And I am starting to feel it's right

       The attraction, the tension

       Baby, like this is perfection

       No fightin'

       No fightin'

       歌曲名:Celebrate The Day

       歌手:Herbert Gr?nemeyer

       所属专辑:Voices from the FIFA World Cup


       To win again


       To never stop finding


       Moving as one


       Is the word for home


       Begin to place


       Yourself in the big frame


       When you dream


       When you dream




       En avant pour la victoire


       En avant pour la victoire


       C'est le moment de l'espoir


       C'est le moment de l'espoir


       Let the sweet air


       Fill our hearts


       Walk on and celebrate the...


       Day the day the day celebrate the day...


       Grab your drums


       Paint your soul


       Feel the roar and celebrate the...


       Day the day the day celebrate the day...


       To win again


       To never stop climbing


       The rising road


       Of ultimate faith




       The world in a heartbeat


       When you dream


       When you dream




       Day the day the day celebrate the day...



       外文名称:Time of Our Lives

       歌曲原唱:IL Divo ,Toni Braxto

       填 词:Jorgen Elofsson

       谱 曲:约尔根·埃洛弗松


       there was a dream

       long time ago

       there was a dream

       destined to grow

       hacerse pasion (to become passion)

       con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)

       el deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)

       el deseo de ganar (the will to win)

       for a lifetime of progress

       that runs here today

       we'll go all the way

       hey they feel like having the time of our lives

       let's light the fire find the plain

       let's go together as one inside

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       we'll find the glory and the pain

       all that we are, for all that we are

       for time of our lives

       hoy es el dia (today is the day)

       es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)

       para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)

       una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (a life of fight brought us here)

       y llegare hasta el final (and i'll keep on till the end)

       heaven knows

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (together, united, the will to be the best will win)

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       hasta la gloria, junto a ti,(till the glory, along with you )

       llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)

       el momento llego (the moment arrived)

       y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...

       (and now i will never ever forget it...)

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (together, united, the will to be the best will win)

       'cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

       hasta la gloria, junto a ti,(till the glory, along with you )

       el momento llego (the moment arrived)

       el momento llego (the moment arrived)

       we'll find the glory we'll be there

       for all that we are

       for one thing that we wanna be and all that we are

       for the time of our lives

       for the time of our lives


       2006德国世界杯主题曲《Time of our lives》 There was a dream Long time ago There was a dream Destined to grow For a lifetime of heartbreaks That brought us here today We'll go all the way and they feel like we're having the time of our lives We'll find the glory in the game All that we are for all that we are Hoy es el dia Es la pasion de triunfar Para hacer realidad el destino que sonabamos conseguir Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui Y llegare hasta el final (Toni Braxton: Heaven knows) 'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives Juntos,unidos,triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor 'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives Hasta la gloria,junto a mi La hora llego de la verdad El momento llego... Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... 'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives Hasta la gloria,junto a mi La hora llego... We'll find the glory in the end For all that we are For everything that we wanna be and all that we are For the time of our lives For the time of our lives 有一个梦想 在心中怀揣多年 有一个梦想 在心中注定蔓延 那些心碎的时刻 今天纷至沓来 我们将全力以赴 此时此刻感受生命的真谛 我们将铸造辉煌 为了这一切 为了这一切 就在今天 我们胜利了 命中注定我们的梦想会实现 对胜利的渴望让我们在球场上相见 我将拼搏到最后一刻 (只有上帝知道) 因为世界杯让我们感受到了生命的真谛 让我们团结奋战 只有最强者才能获得冠军 因为世界杯让我们感受到了生命的真谛 获得至高无上的荣誉 这一激动人心的时刻即将到来 即将到来... 我将永远铭记 因为世界杯让我们感受到了生命的真谛 获得至高无上的荣誉 激动人心的时刻即将到来... 我们将铸造辉煌 为了这一切 无论是将来和现在 都将永生难忘 永生难忘


       2006年德国世界杯主题曲《Time of Our Lives》 演唱者:I Divo和Toni Braxton

       还有一首是《Hips Don't Lie》


       1998年法国世界杯主题曲是《The cup of life》 演唱者:里奇马丁

       还有一首是《La Cour des Grands》你介意我踢球吗

       1994年世界杯的主题曲是《荣耀之地》 演唱者:达利尔·豪(Daryl Hall)

       1990年世界杯主题曲是《意大利之夏》 演唱者: 吉奥吉·莫罗德(Giorgio Moroder)和吉娜·娜尼尼(Gianna Nannini)

       1986年世界杯主题曲是《A Special Kind Of Hero》 演唱者:Stephanie Lawrence




       waka waka

       ●waka waka的下载地址∶




       FIFA(国际足联)与索尼音乐娱乐公司共同宣布,由著名拉丁歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)创作并参与制作的歌曲“Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)”[中译:哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻)],被选为2010年南非世界杯官方主题曲。届时,夏奇拉将与南非本土组合Freshlyground一同在世界杯闭幕式上表演这首歌曲。

       国际足联主席布拉特表示,“世界杯的球迷们,对于主题曲的关注度不亚于世界杯的吉祥物和标识,它同样也是这项令人激动的体育赛事的重要组成部分。此曲运用了充满非洲特色的节奏,来呈现这项重大的赛事。我非常期待能在世界杯的比赛中听到它,并且在闭幕式上看到夏奇拉与Freshlyground的精彩表演。” 而歌曲的演唱者,拉丁天后夏奇拉则表示,“对于Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)这首歌能被选为2010南非世界杯主题曲,我感到非常荣幸。世界杯是一项世界同欢的赛事,它将不同国家,种族,以及不同地域的人们紧紧联系到一起,而这也正是我的歌曲所想要表达的意义。”同时她也表示,她非常高兴能够与南非本土最知名的音乐组合Freshlyground进行合作。 而Freshlyground中的成员Zolani Mahola则说,“对于能和夏奇拉合作这首歌曲,我们倍感兴奋,这歌表达了南非世界杯的精神和活力,我们认为这首歌曲,一定能够激发那些在世界各地关注南非世界杯的人们的激情。” 这首世界杯官方主题曲的英语及西班牙语版本将在2010年4月28日对外公布,5月11号,歌迷即可开始通过数字下载的方式获得这首歌曲。同时,此曲也将被收录于5月底FIFA与索尼音乐娱乐共同发行的2010世界杯官方音乐专辑“Listen Up!”中。这张专辑所获得的收益,将用于由FIFA所建立的公益项目中,该项目的收益将用于非洲的公益事业。此外,还有一部分收益会捐赠给由约旦王妃拉妮亚与国际足联主席布拉特共同建立的“1 GOAL”基金。该基金的主要用途,是为世界各地的失学儿童建立重返学校的机会。近日,该基金任命夏奇拉为公益大使,以此来向世界呼吁给每个儿童接受教育的机会。


       Waka Waka 是非洲斯瓦西里语中的一个动词,意思是:火焰,热烈的燃烧,闪耀等,在东非诸国通用,同时也是非盟及多国的官方用语。

